Poeticaces.com  background paper
Poeticaces.com  background paper
Poeticaces.com  background paper
Poeticaces.com  background paper

Let it be said that a Best Wishes poem
is among the most personal gifts of all.
It is an expression of caring that goes far beyond
the merchandising of specialty shops, online purchases
or the allure of shopping malls.

To stop everything and sit in deep thought picturing
those special moments, that you would have us poeticize,
is to be looked at as more of a caring exercise
and less of a monetary compromise.
Pricing starts at $10.00. Print it off in your favorite font
and frame it as a precious gift to be cherished.

Best Wishes

newlyweds looking at the sky
newlyweds looking at the sky

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and win over hearts, one card at a time.